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Behavior Modification Training For Whidbey Island

Our Behavior modification training provides rehabilitation for dogs who show the following but not limited to

  • Aggression
  • Biting
  • Resource guarding
  • Reactivity
  • Fear
  • Concerning or unsafe behaviors.

Prevail K9 works with any breed and age and carefully evaluates dogs coming up with a strategy and training plan best suited for that dog and their owner. We will help owners to better understand their dog and work with them safely and effectively. We will be there to guide owners with no judgment because we understand how difficult and exhausting it can be to have and manage a dog suffering from behavioral problems.

Behavior Modification Private Lessons

In-home private lessons are a great way for owners to be a part of the rehabilitation process. Doing in-home training also provides a place where both owner and dog are more comfortable and can be the most effective for many situations. A trainer will be there to give you the tools and knowledge to have long-lasting results and relief for both you and your dog.

Dog Boarding & Training For Behavior Modifications

We offer board and trains as another option for owners who may not be able to give time away from a busy life. Board and trains for behavior modification requires a minimum of 6 weeks but may require additional weeks depending on the situation of your dog. Once your dog has completed the board and train you will be given a plan and in-depth go home on how to continue working with your dog. We will also have a follow up private lesson one week after the go home session at no additional charge.

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